Friday, October 28, 2016


Happy Halloween!  I remember the excitement as a child like it was yesterday… What would I dress up as?  How much candy would I get?  And of course the hope for nothing but my favorites…

For fun, I did a little ‘web surfing’ and thought I’d share.  Please feel free to share this among family and friends.

Did you know ... in 2010 Americans consumed roughly 25 pounds of candy per person? It is believed a large portion is consumed by kids on and during the days immediately following Halloween. Candy consumption has actually declined over the last few years: in 1997, each American gobbled or savored more than 27 pounds a year.  That data is from the census bureau.

So if you’re heading out trick or treating this year with kids, or expect children to stop by, here are a few safety tips always worth sharing:
  • Never trick-or-treat alone. Have at least 2 buddies go with you. Be very cautious of strangers. And accept treats only in the doorway - never go inside a house.
  • Plan the entire route and make sure everyone knows what it is. Visit only houses where the lights are on.
  • Walk on sidewalks and driveways when possible, and cross the street at the corner or in a crosswalk.  Don't cut across yards where debris and other hard-to-see objects can cause serious injuries.
  • Be wary of fire. Make sure that you are wearing a flame retardant costume. And don't play near lit jack-o-lanterns.
  • Carry some essential travel gear ... a watch, a flashlight, an alarm whistle and a cellular phone, if possible.
  • Wear reflective tape on your costume so drivers can see you.  The flashlight comes in handy for being visible to drivers, too.
  • Check all candy before you eat it and immediately throw out any candy that appears to have been opened.

While online I even found a neat safety education game kids can play on the Internet.  Visit

I wish you a safe and happy Halloween!  And try not to eat too much candy!

Andrew Darlington has been a licensed insurance agent since 1997 and formed Veritas Risk Management in 2009. He has earned his Accredited Adviser in Insurance, Certified Insurance Consultant, Certified Builders Insurance Agent, and Certified Risk Manager designations. He is a graduate of King College and lives in Johnson City with his wife and children.  He may be contacted at 423-292-4142 or

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