Tuesday, October 18, 2016

#ObamaCareUpdate What plan do I pick?

#ObamaCareUpdate What plan do I pick?

Many of you are getting this email from Healthcare.gov.
You will be able to select your new plan on November 1 through Healthcare.gov at that time.
If you are in Johnson City, Kingsport, Bristol, Greeneville, Erwin, Mountain City, Piney Flats, or any of the counties up here, you will have 4 options... all with Blue Cross.

Bronze 07- HSA- YES
==== In Network Deductible : $5,200 Individual / $10,400 Family
==== In Network Out-of-Pocket Max : $6,400 Individual / $12,800 Family
=====50% Co-Insurance and everything is Deductible and Co-Insurance

Silver 01- HSA- YES from what we understand at this time
===== In Network Deductible : $0 Individual / $0 Family
===== In Network Out-of-Pocket Max : $7,150 Individual / $14,300 Family
=====50% Co-Insurance and everything is Deductible and Co-Insurance

Silver 04- HSA- NO
===== In Network Deductible : $2,000 Individual / $4,000 Family
===== In Network Out-of-Pocket Max : $5,100 Individual / $10,200 Family
=====50% Co-Insurance and everything is Deductible and Co-Insurance

Gold 06- HSA- NO
=====In Network Deductible : $1,500 Individual / $3,000 Family
===== In Network Out-of-Pocket Max : $4,500 Individual / $9,000 Family
=====50% Co-Insurance and In Network Office Visit Copay / Specialist Office Visit Copay : $35 PCP / $50 Specialist
Prescription Drugs : $8/$35/$60

The question is, which plan should I pick.....

Lets narrow this down pretty quick, I can not think of a time you would want to get the Gold 06 plan. It just does not make any sense at all.

If you just want the lowest premium plan, then you need to get the Bronze 07 plan.

For everyone else, here is what I would do...
Take your annual premium in each plan then calculate the difference between them.
If as an individual you are paying more than $1,300 per year for the Silver 04 than the Bronze 07, you probably want to do the Bronze 07. If it is less, then you probably want to do the Silver 04. For a family, the magic number is $2,600. There are 2 options to save money...

Keep in mind a couple of things

You can NOT open an HSA with Silver 04- so all your medical expenses will be paid with AFTER TAX dollars with the Silver 01- your out of pocket is much more but you split bills with Blue Cross on your first dollar.... so if you know you are going to have around $2,000 in medical bills and that is all, that might be the best plan for you.

If you are getting tax credits through the marketplace, your premium is not going to change much so you should be fine.

Ways you can save money in 2017....

1- If you own a business, call us, there are some other options available 423-292-4142 

2- If you do not own a business and are NOT getting tax credits, you may want to call Farm Bureau- they have some plans that may be good options

As always, we can also help with Business, Home, Life, Auto, Work Comp, and Medicare Supplements.

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