Saturday, November 5, 2016

4 FREE & Essential Elements in a Great Fleet Safety Program

Whether you are a small company in Johnson City with 1 vehicle or a large company in Kingsport with over 1,000 vehicles, you need to have a fleet safety program in place.  There are many things that you can do but if you will just start with these 4 things, you will be well on your way to keeping your team and everyone else on the road safe.
1- Driver Qualification Check List - This is the first an most important element of a fleet safety program.  If you dont know who is getting behind the wheel of your vehicles, you are in big trouble.  By gathering information up front, you may find out that this is the kid that lived down the street from your grandparents in Bristol who always spun out in the driveway every morning.
2- Written Fleet Safety Program - You must have guidelines so that your employees know what you expect of them in the course of business.  This will also give you a way to measure if they are doing a good job and give you a defense for termination if the need arises.
3- Training - You need to have some sort of training weekly to remind your drivers to be safe.  This does not have to be long, just one or two minutes is perfect.  A great thing to do would be to go through your safety program and hit a few of the main points each week.
4- Accident Investigation - When you do have an accident (or near accident), which you will, you need to take the time to find out what happened and how to prevent it.  By asking the right questions, you can understand what happened and the measures you can take to prevent it from happening again.
For all of these Free Resourcesclick here and we will send you all of these forms and more!  
At Veritas, we give you the Truth about insurance and want to serve you in any way we can.

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