Friday, November 25, 2016

3 Things They Dont Tell You in the "Looking for a Medicare Plan?" commercial

I know it sounds weird, but I have actually been watching some of these medicare infomercials lately.  Yes, I am an insurance nerd.  It just really irritates me because they are skipping over some of the key points and in my opinion are using a bait and switch tactic.
1- When they talk about all the benefits that their plan offers, they are comparing their plan to Original Medicare, but then they turn around and talk about the fact that their plan is "All in One" and compare it to having Original Medicare PLUS a Medigap Plan. It would be  like me trying to sell you a used car and comparing how well it drives to a car in the junk yard then when I talk about the price, compare it to a new Lexus.  It can be confusing to people who dont do this all day long like we do.
2- They say that their Medicare Plan "Covers" Hospital Visits- while this is true, they do not say that there is a copy for this AND they do not say how much or how often the co-pay will pop up.  With most of these plans you are going to pay $175 to $400 per day for between 3 and 7 days AND you will pay the for each admission up to the plan's maximum out of pocket limit.  While this is better than just having Original Medicare, it is not better than what you would have if you had a good Medigap plan.
3- They dont tell you that if you have to go to doctors in their network or they are not going to pay for anything.  This is how they keep your price low.  If you want to see your doctor get on a soap box, just ask your doctor how much they get paid from an Advantage Plan compared to Original Medicare.  It is a TON less.  They are squeezing the doctors and limiting their network so they can get pricing down as much as possible.
If you really want to know the TRUTH about Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medigap Plans, and Prescription Drug Plans, call our office.  We would by happy to answer any questions that you have.

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