Monday, September 28, 2020

Why You Need Life Insurance - Andrew's Personal Story

For audio of Andrew telling his story, click here.

I’m going to tell you a very personal story about why you need life insurance. When I was going into 7th grade, my Dad died. Obviously, it was very tragic for a 13-year-old boy to have his Dad pass away, but even more tragic is that we had almost no life insurance—when my Dad passed away, we had $50,000 in life insurance. My Mom had not worked for over 7 years, my Dad was an engineer making a decent amount of money, and we were a good, middle-class family. When he died, all we had was $50,000 of life insurance. We honestly did not know what was going to happen. My Dad had worked hard, and I went to a private school. How were we going to pay that, how were we going to pay the mortgage, college—and all we had was $50,000.

How Much Coverage You Need

I know firsthand the toil and the mess it brings to your family when you don’t have the life insurance you need to protect them in the event that the unexpected and unthinkable happens. Protect your family. You need to make sure you have life insurance. Most of the experts will tell you that you will need 10-15 times your annual income in life insurance so that your spouse can take the investment income off of that and live on it for the rest of their life. Had that happened in our situation, we wouldn’t have had to worry about where our next meal was coming from. We would’ve known there was life insurance there to take care of it. My Mom wouldn’t have had to scramble to find a job. Again, she hadn’t worked in almost 8 years and had been a stay at home Mom, and all of a sudden she needs to go find a job so that we can eat, pay the mortgage, the car payments, the school payments, pay for college—all that was slapped on her at one time unexpectedly. Don’t let that happen to your family!

It's Affordable

For as little as $10 a month, if you are in good health, you can get $100,000 or maybe $200,000 of ten year term life insurance to protect your family. A $500,000 or $1,000,000 policy is not that expense. As you get higher up in the amount of coverage at $500,000 and $1,000,000, most insurance companies have a rate reduction, so you will pay less for a million dollars than you would for two half million-dollar policies. Contact us or call us today at (423) 292-4142 to make sure your family is properly protected, so that if the unexpected and unthinkable happens, they will be able to grieve the way they need to grieve, and to be able to move on and keep the same lifestyle they have now.

If you have been declined for life insurance in the past, we can still help you! Find out more here.

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