Friday, August 12, 2016

OSHA Releases "Quick Card" for Zika Virus Protection for Outdoor Workers

Guidance Available for Business Travelers & More

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued guidance for protecting outdoor workers from occupational exposure to Zika virus.

Outdoor workers may be at the greatest risk of exposure to Zika virus, which is primarily spread through the bites of infected mosquitoes. Your employer should inform you about the risk of exposure through mosquito bites and how to protect yourself.


Click Here or go to for the OSHA Quick Card.  

OSHA and NIOSH recommend that you talk to your supervisor(s) about any outdoor work assignment(s) or travel to Zika-affected areas if you are or may become pregnant, or, for males, if your sexual partner is or may become pregnant. Consult CDC information on Zika virus and pregnancy:

Andrew Darlington CRM, CIC, CBIA, AAI
Risk Management & Insurance Services
PO Box 4539
Johnson City, TN 37602
Phone- (423)292-4142

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