Thursday, July 28, 2016


Employers Must Comply With Certain Rules

Certain employers may be able to arrange with a bank or other financial institution to pay employees with a payroll debit card. In such instances, an employee's pay is loaded directly to a payrollcard rather than deposited to a bank account or provided in the form of a paper check.
Employers utilizing payroll debit cards must comply with certain laws and regulations, including guidance issued by the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Below are several thingsemployers should keep in mind regarding payroll cards.
Employers Cannot Require Payroll Cards
An employer cannot require an employee to receive his or her wages on a payroll card—the employer must offer at least one other alternative.
For example, some employers may give employees a choice between direct deposit into a bank account, direct deposit to a payroll card, or a paper check, while other employers may only give employees a choice between the first two of these options. State law may also require that an employer make additional options available (or may not authorize the use of payroll cards), so be sure to check your state's requirements.
The Law Protects Employees
Federal law contains provisions specific to payroll cards that provide employees with certain protections, including:
  • Disclosure of Fees. Payroll card holders are entitled to receive disclosures of any fees they may incur. These disclosures must be clear, in writing, and in a form that holders may keep.
  • Access to Account History. A payroll card issuer must either provide periodic statements as required by law, or alternatively must make card holders' account balances and histories available in specified formats. The account history must include information on any fees imposed for fund transfers.
  • Error Resolution Rights. If a card holder reports a payroll card account error, the financial institution must respond so long as the report is received within a certain amount of time.
Other Laws Also Affect Employee Pay
Employers should be mindful that fees associated with payroll cards may have the effect of reducing employees' wages below the minimum wage, which may lead to potential penalties under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and state minimum wage laws. Also, certain states may regulate or prohibit the use of payroll cards. Contact your state labor office for more information. 

Veritas Risk Management, Inc. offers proactive risk management services covering a wide variety of topics. Veritas Risk Management, Inc. does not engage in the practice of law, accounting, or tax consulting.  We encourage everyone to consult with his or her own professional advisor for details concerning his or her specific facts, situations, and circumstances.

Much harder than expected....

If you will notice the pictures, you will see that I am all alone.  Due to my well known athletic abilities, one might think that is because I was out in front of the pack, sadly that was not the case and I was dead last much of the event (here is the link to the results).

A couple of weeks ago I competed in the Chattanooga Waterfront Triathlon... and finished!

We thought we were going to be fine...Before the race, I had been working out and was in the best long distance shape I had been in since my college basketball days, so I thought that I was in pretty good shape.  I had to swim 1 mile, bike 26, and run 6.4.  I went down there with a few friends and we figured we were going to have a good time and be able to show off all the work we had done to train.  As the time of the race grew nearer, I became much more nervous and scared that I did not train quite hard enough.  Here was the reason... I had looked at the race course and it looked like I was prepared.  The bike course said that there was only 570 feet of elevation gain over the 26 miles.  This would be a pretty flat ride for East Tennessee.  For those of you in Johnson City, TN, the Tweetsie Trail is 10 miles and it has about 500 feet of gain going from Elizabethton to Johnson City.  Well, we drove the bike route for this the night before and it was no 500 feet of elevation gain.  It had to have been at least 4 times that (and I have not even started my fish story about the 28ft bass I caught in Boone Lake).  I mean really, this was scary!

Sometimes in life we think we are doing all we should do, but then, we realize, boy, I did not do what it takes.  Jesus even speaks to this where He says, For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’
I can tell you, I came VERY close to not completing this triathlon.  The moral of the story is, "When you start to "count the cost" make sure you are using the correct tools as you count the cost.


Grace & Peace,
Andrew Darlington AAI, CRM, CBIA, CIC

My sweetie and me!